About Us
Hey! It’s me!! So now that social media platforms are created, website is up and running and designs are landing at your feet!! I thought I would jump on here and give you some background on who’s behind the scenes
Ok so here we go….I’m just a girl named Lacey, living in a small town in good Ole Illinois! I’m a mom of 2 great boys, I have a wonderful future daughter In law (I’m hoping anyways) the best friends and family, a great guy and of course my perfect little fur baby…all in my corner!
I have always wanted to create my own line of clothing. I didn’t want to be selling someone else’s apparel, idea, design…I wanted it to be all me. It basically was just a thought that I let sit on the back burner for way to long! TODAY though I have all the right people in my corner who pushed me to stop holding back!
I’ve found over the last year I was losing myself, not really knowing which way I was even going anymore. I knew I was not myself but couldn’t find my way back exactly. I have the most amazing kids, guy and best friend that saw my struggle and picked me up!
FINALLY I was feeling like each day I was finding myself again. Finally holding my head up and finally getting back to the real world. It was then, when I wasn’t even looking, a great man came into my life and has made me feel like I belong again. Always in my corner, making me smile and we just make the absolute best team!! 2023 is going to be good to all of us!
I’m hoping by my story and my clothing I’m bringing to you I can also inspire you and pick you back up like others did me!! Be proud of who you are, never try to be someone you think another person wants you to be. The only way to find yourself is to WRITE YOUR OEN STORY! Trust me if I can do it you can to
I do run a car dealership with my Dad, he’s the best!! It’s my full time job and I love every minute of it, but knew I needed just a little more spunk in my step. So Hick Town Honey is like my side gig and I’m just loving how smooth it’s all going and how fast it all just really took off!
So long post but here I am! I’m back!!! I officially own Hick Town Honey!! Now the name has been a big hit and I can not take credit for it! This name came from the special guy in my life and let’s all admit…he knocked it out of the park with the name!
All items are personally designed by me, my supplier will print and ship! It’s that simple!!
I already have over 70 products on my website and I’m still working on some minor detail. I just started this journey 10 days ago! So my website is up and running, I’m adding new items daily! My Facebook and Instagram are both up and running and I’m getting more info added to them each day.
So thank you to my people in my life for getting me back to my home grown roots! I love you! You know who you are! and here’s to our Hick Town Honey journey!
Last but not least!! Thank you to ALL OF YOU! Who are helping me grow by liking, sharing, supporting and shopping!! With out all of you out there I couldn't make this happen!!!
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